Thinking out loud:
We're all aware of mobile phones that vibrate to tell us about a call or a message. What about other really useful haptic interfaces? Those that utilize our sense of touch?
We're all aware of mobile phones that vibrate to tell us about a call or a message. What about other really useful haptic interfaces? Those that utilize our sense of touch?
It seems to me like there should be lots of lots of ways to utilize our sense of touch in situations where folks are temporarily or permanently blind.
Simple case: imagine a person driving a car and turning on his left-turn-signal to indicate a lane change. A camera embedded in the car notices another vehicle that's possibly in the drivers "blind spot." The car reacts by delivering a short vibrating “buzz” to the drivers lower back (on his left side). A useful, passive indicator for short-term blindness (doesn't even interrupt his conversation with the passenger!).

I'd like to see haptic feedback interfaces used more in mobile phones for everyday situations. For instance, I'd like to have customizable "vibe-tones" so that I can differentiate between an incoming e-mail and an incoming text message, even when my phone is in silent mode.
@jm Me too. My Blackberry Tour has this feature. Vibration "length" and "count." Never really used it though. (P.S. - why doesn't Blogger allow for comment replies!?)
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